taming the tongue

Psalm 139:3-5 : You discern my going out and my lying down; you are familiar with all my ways. Before a word is on my TONGUE you know it completely, O LORD. You hem me in—behind and before; you have laid your hand upon me.

Thursday, April 06, 2006

Ooops, a little distracted!

So I have become somewhat infatuated with my husband's blog....he is far more committed than I! It's fantastic to see him take up a new hobby and fully enjoy it...ALL of it! He is someone who strives to learn all he can with what he can until it no longer interests him. He has become very good very quickly. What a blessing to see him excited about something so tangible and rewarding! Needless to say, I like him a lot and he blesses me. He's been posting lots of pictures, but not all the ones I want him to, so I have decided to post some that he won't!

This one is called "Dominican Toilet". We recently got back from the Dominican Republic where we were working with the poor. This toilet is a most-coveted object of affection where we were. I think the picture speak for itself. Makes me feel fully functional. :)


Blogger Heather said...

Hey!!! I stumbled upon Tim's blog (and AMAZING pictures, by the way) through Dave and consequently I stumbled upon you through Tim! So great! I'm very excited that you've started a blog! Now I can learn about your life without actually having to communicate with you... kidding. We need to get together, friend! I'm still in Seattle so lets plan something soon!!!

1:51 PM  
Blogger Heather said...

Ps. I like the potty pic. Why is the toilet such an object of affection for them... and what's the bucket of water for?

1:52 PM  
Blogger Bethany said...

Ha ha! HEATHER!!! It is sooo good to hear from you! Come on over! Are you still a Starbucks-ian? So cool! Yes, potties are a hot commodity there....there are many of them because plumbing is a problem....it's only for the rich. the medical clinic we were helping to build put in a potty and everyone wanted to use it....the bucket of water is there to pour in the bowl and then flush because there aren't any pipes that bring in new water to the toilet bowl. So, you pee, then you pour, then you flush (paper goes in the neighboring trashcan), then you pour some more water in the bowl for the next person! Fun times!

7:23 PM  

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