taming the tongue

Psalm 139:3-5 : You discern my going out and my lying down; you are familiar with all my ways. Before a word is on my TONGUE you know it completely, O LORD. You hem me in—behind and before; you have laid your hand upon me.

Wednesday, April 12, 2006

Alien Tim #2....appearing on a Mackenzie, BC street

More photoshop fun! It's almost like a "where's waldo" book! Can you spot him?

Do you believe happiness is a right? Are we entitled to be happy at any cost? When does seeking happiness cross a line? Is there a difference between joy and happiness? Is happiness a choice? Can we manipulate our attitudes to believe we are happy even when our circumstances claim we are not?

I had a conversation with a person who believed that he had endured such unhappiness for so long that he was finally going to "find" happiness. In his search, he abandoned his faith, his integrity, his wife and his family with the notion that they would just "move on" and would have to learn to forgive him. He forgot that forgiveness is an act of grace....
He made a slew of new "friends" that encouraged his search for happiness and even suggested things that they thought would bring happiness to him.
As I sat across the table from him, there wasn't a doubt in my mind that the "happiness" he was seeking for was getting further and further away. His actions would only lead to a guilty conscience, a lonely existence, a sense of failure, and worse, a clear separation from God and His blessing and protection. All this sacrifice because he couldn't put up with the rain before the rainbow. What a shame to throw away so much to supposedly receive something that really only comes through obedient sacrificial love for others. Personal happiness dies when we die, but integrity lives on through the legacies we leave for our family and friends.....what kind of legacy is he leaving for future generations? What is his reward in the end?


Blogger Laurie said...

Very fun picture. I love it!

On a serious note, I think you are right in what you say. Too many people think that happiness is an entitlement. I also think that for many it has become their "god".

6:37 PM  
Blogger Esul... morning dew said...

Bethany! Isn't blogging AMAZING? I just happened to be searching Dave's Blog and then recognized your husband's name and then checked out his photos and then noticed you had your own blog! What LUCK!!!
Anyway, so I'm posting you a comment to say hi and I hope you are doing well.
Also, your question about happiness and people often thinking happiness is found in things that usually bring them further away from happiness was what I needed to read today! I'm glad you are so smart :)
Long stories, but I'm in Korea and having a hard time here, but trying to stick it out and I need to re-think what happiness REALLY is!
I hope we can catch up sometime...via blogging or whatever!

4:04 AM  
Blogger Heather said...

Hey Friend,

Definitely something to ponder. I've always thought of happiness as more of an emotion in that it can be very fleeting (I'm happy, I'm sad, I'm angry, etc...). Just an emotion that you feel. I think Joy runs deeper. Joy is possibly even when it's "raining" - and I do't think the two are necessarily linked. Joy is listed as a Fruit of the Spirit and as such I think true Joy can only come out of close communion with Jesus. It's what happens when we are in harmony with the Spirit. That's probably why it seems so unexplainable when someone, who is going through a hard time can still seem at peace and joyful. I don't mean they ignore the crap their going through but I think part of having Joy is choice. It's choosing to not wallow in your extremely terrible circumstances, to not give in to the anger and anxiety and stress that Satan wants us to get caught up in and choosing to trust God.

Long and rambly, sorry. :) We need to get together!!

7:58 AM  
Blogger Bethany said...

Hey, Rachel! Thanks for visiting my blog!!! I can't seem to post on yours, yet...but I'll keep trying! Keep me posted! YOU ROCK! Remember that God has placed you there for a specific purpose! Enjoy his presence!

11:44 AM  

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