taming the tongue

Psalm 139:3-5 : You discern my going out and my lying down; you are familiar with all my ways. Before a word is on my TONGUE you know it completely, O LORD. You hem me in—behind and before; you have laid your hand upon me.

Saturday, June 17, 2006

Dad's are always "ice-creamers".....HAPPY FATHER'S DAY!!

So this picture is fuzzy...I know, but with today being Father's Day and all, I thought it would be appreciated anyway......
So I was thinking about my dad today...as most of us are being it is Father's Day and all....and like this father here, my dad was always the one who gave us the sweets. :p You could always count on dad to give us the stuff mom didn't want us to have whether it was junk food or items my brother and I just "had to have". I liked that...didn't we all!? I'm sure you know what I'm talking about, too! Maybe it wasn't your dad, but SOMEONE in your family was like this! Right?
But let me give you one instance(though there were many) when my dad really blessed my brother and me with "sweet stuff".

It was Halloween about 1986...I think. My brother and I weren't into going "trick-or-treating" because of what it represented and my parents were wise to tell us what Halloween was 'really' about at a young age. But that year, my brother and I were feeling left out. We turned off all the lights and watched movies with mom...which was always fun. Dad was on his way home from work. I'm sure I was whining about wanting to just go to the neighbors' house to at least get a few pieces of candy and I'm sure my brother was just itching to get to his friend's house to eat some of his candy (his best friend at the time kept Halloween candy for YEARS! GROSS!). Mom was strong, though. Nope, not gonna go out. I think she may have made us cookies, though. Thanks, mom....but this story isn't about you. ;)

Then dad came home......He walked in the door, not knowing our Halloween "sorrows" and had four GIANT plastic grocery bags filled to the brim with candy! No joke! My brother and I got two bags apiece...FULL of candy. All sorts of candy...."Baby Ruth", "Butterfingers", "M & Ms", "Milky Way".....you name it, it was there. It was nuts! And yes, there were some of those in there, too! The best part was the look on my mom's face. :) But that was my dad. He couldn't bear to see his kids go without regardless of the situation. Thanks, Dad.

No, he's not perfect, but one thing I really know about my dad is that he does ALL he can to make sure that we know we're loved by him and his greatest desire is to represent Jesus to my brother and me. He represented our Heavenly Father with every word of encouragement he gave as my brother played baseball and basketball, as he pursued his academics and most of all, as he pursued the Lord. He represented our Heavenly Father with every "you can do it, Bethany", as I practiced to be the best saxophonist and felt the disappointment of losing. When I won, he represented Jesus with the "I'm proud of you and I'd love you even if you got last place". He represented Jesus as he encouraged me to write more, pursue art (even though "you can't make a living at it" as I've heard some fathers say!), and he showed no fear when I said my dream was to "live in a shack with a sharpei dog under a bridge in Scotland and play saxophone"! And when I said I wanted to live overseas and build orphanages and see children healed, happy, and walking with Jesus, he cried. That's my dad. He's shown me Jesus. Thanks, dad.
So, dad...I'm proud of YOU and I know that when it's all been said and done, his heavenly Father will say, "Well done, good and faithful servant, James McClellan" . You have given amazing 'treasures' to your son and me here on earth, so I know you have TONS of treasures stored up in Heaven. I love you, Dad and Happy Father's Day!
"Do not store up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moth and rust destroy, and where thieves break in and steal. But store up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where moth and rust do not destroy, and where thieves do not break in and steal. For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also." Matthew 6:19-21


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thank you Bethany,that was the best gift any Dad could receive for Fathers Day. I Love you. Dad

4:02 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I know this wasn't about me, but I too am blessed.
Love you,

4:10 PM  
Blogger Bethany said...

Thanks daddy! Love you, too!

4:23 PM  
Blogger Heather said...

My dad was the rule breaker and sweet giver in our house too. We always knew if mom sent dad to the grocery store we could count on junk food. (The extra special treat at our house was sugary breakfast cereal and my dad's favourite is Honey Nut Cheerios :)

Great post!

3:30 PM  
Blogger Bethany said...

I loved it when dad went with us to the grocery store, too!! naughty dad!!!How are you, Heather!? I have been waiting for you to update your blog! :p

10:20 PM  

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