taming the tongue

Psalm 139:3-5 : You discern my going out and my lying down; you are familiar with all my ways. Before a word is on my TONGUE you know it completely, O LORD. You hem me in—behind and before; you have laid your hand upon me.

Thursday, August 24, 2006

Speaking His praises......

Tim took this picture a while ago...it reminds me of just another thing I can thank and praise the Lord for! Have you had your Sabbath day, yet? I have....and I will again very soon! Did He speak to you or did you rest in His silent peace?

I had a little of both. It was hard to take the whole day, though....I think I will have to work up to it and it will take some practice. :p

I read Psalm148-150 yesterday and though the Psalms are filled with David exuberantly saying "Praise the Lord!", I was a little struck by the last 3 chapters this very long compilation of songs...some of the verses made me smile, others made me laugh, and all of them got me wanting to "Praise the Lord"! One of them that made me smile was Psalm 149:4-5, which says,
"For the LORD takes delight in his people;
he crowns the humble with salvation.

Let the saints rejoice in this honor
and sing for joy on their beds."

Sing for joy on their beds? I thought that was kinda funny. I was picturing some kids jumping on their beds singing to the Lord or something......But all three chapters are telling us when and where and why we must praise the Lord. I think a contemporary edition of these chapters could read (very simply in Bethany style).....

"Praise the Lord while you're sleeping, Praise the Lord while you eat,
Praise the Lord while you sit on the toilet, Praise the Lord while you take a shower,
Praise Him in the car as your drive yourself to work, Praise the Lord while you send your e-mails. Praise the Lord while you teach your children and when you "discuss" with your spouse. Praise the Lord while you hang with your friends and when you minister to acquaintances....
For crying out aloud!! JUST PRAISE HIM! SHEESH!"

Perhaps that's a little too simply put, but I find that I REALLY do not praise Him enough....for the little things AND the big things....for who He is. Perhaps it is because I thought that "praising Him" needed to be thought out and carefully planned...or maybe it needed to be in response to a particular answer to prayer or situation...but no! That's not what King David is saying! He is saying to Praise Him all the day long!!! Praise Him in the routine of things! What a difference that would make in my home! It's like praying without ceasing (I Thess. 5:12-23)...it should be like a breath we take..."ahhh, praise You, Lord, for Your love....." or something like that....?? I bet He likes that and comes a little closer to hear more..... :p

I gotta learn to do this more. When we focus on who HE is and praise Him throughout the day, it fixes our eyes on Him and gives us that "Sabbath day" peace admist the fury of the day....at least it did for me. Do you enjoy praising Him enough?


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Bethany,


You are so right - I love your 'translation'.

See you soon.



11:42 AM  
Blogger Bethany said...

Unklrbrt!!! We miss you and Auntie Syl!!! Have a safe trip home! We look forward to seeing you guys on Monday! Much love and thanks for the hugs!

12:15 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wow, conviction again. I know I don't praise Him enough. It's probably because I'm so self-focused. I bet the revival we're all waiting for hinges on our praises to Him and giving Him the glory, don't you? i praise God for You!

10:23 AM  
Blogger Bethany said...

I agree momma! Praise is so wonderful, so hard and sooo necessary! I don't think we even have a clue as to what we are missing as a result of not enough praise! Love you!

1:37 PM  

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