taming the tongue

Psalm 139:3-5 : You discern my going out and my lying down; you are familiar with all my ways. Before a word is on my TONGUE you know it completely, O LORD. You hem me in—behind and before; you have laid your hand upon me.

Thursday, March 15, 2007

His acts astound me......

Good Thursday to you all! Another Vancouver picture by Tim...we are getting a bit more sunshine as of late, so I thought I'd share it with you!

I just wanted to give you an update on our benefit spaghetti dinner we hosted for the Philippines yesterday!

We had several cancellations and we were concerned nobody would show. But we hoped that whoever decided to come would be hand-picked by the Holy Spirit. We had a really rough day, too. Tim was fighting with Canadian Tire about a car that needed fixing but they messed up and very little errands got done. However, we were overjoyed to greet our dear old friend, Marlies, from New Zealand via the UK at the airport in the afternoon and on a whim, asked if she wanted to come to the dinner, too.

When everyone arrived, we had a total of 12 people and we had a blast! It was different than the one before. It wasn't near as boisterous, but we had a wonderful time chatting with everyone and hearing all their stories of travelling to Asia and our pastor, Ernie, shared of some of his experiences in the Philippines. We felt encouraged and supported.

Impact Nations shared the vision of saving and changing the lives of the poorest of the poor and invited our guests to come along on a "Journey of Compassion". There's even one coming in September to the Philippines!

After salad, spaghetti, bread, cheesecake, strawberries and whipped cream, we prayed together for God's direction and wisdom. The night proved to be a success as most of our guests committed to pray for us and we are now over halfway to our needed $1400. (US) a month! Currently we are at $880. (US) monthly. God showed Himself faithful once again and we were filled with hope. Time is short....we're nearly there! Please continue to pray for us! Many blessings to you all!


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